
Date: 2020-2021

Category: Generative Design

Organization: iBUILT

Role: Computational Designer


Project Studio

Project Studio is generative design software that imagines the future of design through modular construction systems. Maximizing the true development potential of a project through exploring a comprehensive list of options can be a challenge, especially in a fast-paced and ambitious design market. Developed by iBUILT Group, Project Studio is the world’s first Pro-forma tool powered by spatial data and Artificial Intelligence that can test fit any site, in any city, with thousands of potential building massings, allowing more informed, user-conscious, and smarter design solutions.

Software users select their site from the map, specify the zoning requirements, and enter their development’s financial information and Artificial Intelligence does the rest; in a matter of seconds, multiple design solutions are generated from zoning constraints and user input.

AI sits at the core of Project Studio, optimizing the selection, growth, and placement of different building typologies on any given site. On large, or complicated sites, multiple buildings are “grown” simultaneously as the software explores innovative solutions to constrained urban sites.​